Clover in Your Lawn

Clover is a perennial plant, and it can be a lovely addition to your yard. Of course, it is not perfect, but it’s worth considering when you know the pros and cons of having clover on the lawn.

Pros of Having Clover

Some believe in the power of four-leaf clovers; others see the benefits beyond the superstitious. These are some of the most evident and practical uses. 

In Some Parts of the US, It Stays Green All Year

Clover is good at surviving drought, and it doesn’t need a lot of water to stay healthy and green. Usually, it starts blooming in spring and keeps its gorgeous green color until the first frost. Also, unlike most of the US, where clover stays green during summertime, in the South it doesn’t lose its good looks, even during winter. 

Forget About Mowing

Clover in your backyard means not spending much time maintaining it. For example, some clover types grow up to eight inches, so you don’t have to cut it frequently to make it look appealing. 

Of course, it all depends on individual preferences. For example, some people like to mow their lawns at the peak of the summer to prevent new clover from growing or clean the yard from dried pieces.

It Attracts Insects, but Just the Good Guys

Expect bees if you have a clover lawn. That’s good because bees bring natural fertilizer to your plants. Also, clover can attract a parasitoid wasp that helps you eliminate scales, aphids, and whiteflies. 

Don’t worry, though. A parasitoid wasp can’t harm you. In contrast, it helps you have control over unwanted (flying) guests in your yard. 

Clover Doesn’t Need Fertilizer

Another marvelous thing about clover is that it doesn’t need fertilizer. But, instead, it produces it. In addition, clover is very giving and ‘uses’ its fertilizer to nurture other plants in its surroundings. Therefore, grass combined with clover will be more prosperous and require less attention than grass you plant separately.

It Doesn’t Care About Herbicides

Your clover doesn’t fancy these chemicals, and for a good reason –  they can kill it. So, you can forget about weed killers when growing clover. 

It Grows Well in Poor Soil 

Clover tolerates almost all soil types and can grow in various soil conditions. So we may say it is a true survivor. 

It Is Persistent 

We can learn many things from clover. For instance, how to be persistent. Aside from being a survivor, clover is a fighter. A thick root puts clover in a better position than other plants, so it can easily conquer your lawn. As a result, clover is your assistant specializing in killing unwanted weeds.  

Your Feet Will Love It

Those who practice walking barefoot through clover say it’s magical. It should not be surprising, considering it creates a natural, cozy and fuzzy rug. It also smells pretty nice. Undoubtedly, clover can take your relaxation routines to the next level. 

It’s Affordable

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a clover lawn. The seed costs less than $10, and you can cover a couple of thousands of square feet. Still, nature will make it possible for someone to get it free of charge. If you are among those, don’t confront it; let it express its decorating skills. 

Cons of Having Clover

Aside from its good sides, clover has some unflattering characteristics. As a result, some homeowners may be wondering about ways to eliminate clover for the following reasons:

It Leaves Stains on Clothes

If you have kids and want them to spend as much time outdoors as possible, cleaning their clothes after a day of playing in clover can be a true nightmare. Yes, your kids will adore walking barefoot on the soft clover lawn, but laying or rolling around on it may not be such a good idea.

It’s Not a Good Option for Playgrounds 

Clover is not synonymous with durability. Yes, it is persistent, but it is not a good choice for crowded and frequently used spaces, such as playgrounds.

It is Short-Lived 

Clover is a perennial plant, but it doesn’t live too long, and you’ll probably have to plant new seeds once every couple of years. As a result, you’ll have to think more about it and check on it often. However, when you plant it together with grass, you enable clover to repeat the process independently. 

Clover: Yes or Now?

First, determine whether the pros outweigh the cons. As you can see, clover has many advantages, and it is relatively easy to maintain. However, it is up to you to decide whether to keep it long-term in your yard. 

Also, many ask whether to choose grass or clover. Again, as stated earlier, it doesn’t have to be an either-or situation. In contrast, grass plus clover may be the winning combination. Finally, look at clover as a helper decorating the garden; it may be an exciting and prosperous alliance.

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