Driveway Type

Your driveway does a lot of work for you. It has to handle the weight and pressure of large vehicles sitting on it for hours on end. It has to deal with tires coming and going several times a day. Plus, it has to stand up to whatever mother nature throws at it. It has to do all of this while still looking great and not affecting the curb appeal of your home. Your driveway is an unsung hero, and you need to have the best one possible for your home and your specific situation. If you aren’t happy with your driveway, then you are most likely stuck with it for years or even decades. 

A big part of choosing the right driveway is getting the right material. There are more options than you might think, and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Not only that, but each type is more compatible with certain homes and areas where homes might be situated. Here is a guide to driveway types and how they might be best for your home. 


You may not have seen an asphalt driveway, even though they are very common. However, you’ve no doubt seen asphalt roads and highways. It is a durable material that can last up to 20 years as long as it is well maintained and regularly sealed. As opposed to cracking, asphalt will bend slightly if the soil underneath shifts, so you don’t even have to seal it that often. When a repair is needed, a topcoat can be used instead of replacing the material altogether. 

Asphalt is great if you are looking to avoid breaking the bank. The reason it’s more affordable is that it is not considered the most aesthetically pleasing option, but it can look clean and neat with proper maintenance. Because it’s less likely to crack, it’s also better for cold weather climates than concrete, which is otherwise similar. 


Concrete is in the same price range as asphalt in most areas, although it’s generally slightly more expensive. However, you can count on a concrete driveway lasting up to 50 years as long as it is properly maintained with sealing and drainage. While it’s not the best-looking option, it provides a smooth surface that can withstand any climate or weather event. 

Concrete is considered to be a boring option when it comes to looks. However, you can spruce it up with etching, stamping, or stains. There are even stains that will make your concrete look more like natural rock. Concrete can be affected by moisture and soil that heaves underneath. Therefore in wet climates, it will crack often and need sealing. Otherwise, it may have to be replaced much earlier than 50 years. Check with a concrete contractor in Wabash, IN to see what options are available for you since there is most likely a style, color, or pattern that will work for your home. 

Also Read Driveway Drainage: What You Need To Know


Gravel is the most affordable choice, costing only $1-$3 per square foot. It is very easy to install, so labor costs or your own time will be minimal. Gravel can also come in a number of colors, so you don’t have to have a slate gray driveway, as you might imagine with that material. Gravel driveways are surprisingly durable since they can last up to 100 years. All you need to do is occasionally replace gravel as it gets lost to erosion, snow removal, and being naturally moved off of the driveway by wind, the elements, and car wheels. 

If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, then gravel might be the best choice for your home. It is also very useful for long driveways since it can be very expensive and time-consuming to install a driveway of significant length. Gravel is a great choice for wet climates as well since it is permeable, compacts well, and allows water to drain. 


If your home needs an exterior beauty boost, or you don’t want to mar the already immaculate view of your home, then pavers are a great choice. They are more expensive than the previous options, but they can last up to 100 years, depending on the specific stone used. To install pavers, you need to be very precise and place every component in exactly the right spot. 

Pavers are very versatile. They can give off a rustic vibe or a sleek and modern one. It all depends on what type of stone you use and what color it is. You can install concrete pavers, but pavers cut from natural rock provide a bigger visual punch. If you want to be eco-friendly, then pavers made from local stone manufactured nearby make a minimal impact on the environment. You can add sand and pebbles as filler between the pavers as opposed to concrete to further make them a sustainable choice. 


Brick has been used for centuries. It’s incredibly durable and can withstand almost anything. Brick is used for homes, so you can imagine that it will work well for driveways. The look that brick driveways provide is classic and timeless. You can add a rustic charm and a feeling that you’ve built and developed the land yourself. It’s a higher-priced option, but you will reap the benefits of having your driveway for your lifetime, most likely. 

Driveways do a lot of heavy lifting, both literally and figuratively, for your home. They keep the cars off the grass, and they provide some visual appeal to your exterior. On top of that, the right driveway can improve your home’s resale value. There are many options available for a new driveway, but make sure you choose the right one for your home, climate, and sense of style. 

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