sheesham wood beds

Sheesham wood is extremely durable and unique in its appearance. It is also highly affordable. In fact, you can buy Sheesham furniture for as low as 3000 per piece. However, if you want to make your own furniture, you will need to invest a little more in the material. To keep your Sheesham furniture in pristine condition, you should use Danish oil.

Sheesham is a hardwood. This means that it is made from a dicot tree. This type of wood grows slower than softwood trees. Because of its high oil content, it is resistant to water, mold, and fungus. It is yellow-brown in color, making it more expensive than other types of wood. It is also resistant to fire and termites, making it a popular choice for furniture.

Sheesham wood is obtained from the Sheesham tree. 

It is native to subcontinental areas and is often found in humid and warm regions. It has a high amount of water content, which makes it less water-resistant. However, it is a versatile and desirable wood for any type of timber project. Sheesham wood beds can add class and elegance to a bedroom. And if you’re looking for quality Sheesham wood furniture, consider these tips.

Sheesham wood is also known as Indian rosewood.

 It has an unusual, soft texture and lustre to almost anything. In fact, this wood is so durable that it is the most popular choice for wood projects. This type of furniture is ideal for bedrooms, where it can add an air of class and elegance to your bedroom. Whether it’s for a traditional or modern bedroom, sheesham wood is sure to make a statement in your home.

Sheesham wood is elastic and can be carved into intricate patterns and designs. This is why Saharanpur, India, is renowned for its wooden art. Using both traditional and modern tools, the artisans create a beautiful wooden furniture. Its texture and beauty are unparalleled by any other type of wood. Its popularity has made it the ideal material for creating plywood and veneers.

As with any type of wood, Sheesham wood is a versatile material.

 It is a durable material and is a popular choice for interior designers. You can find Sheesham wood furniture in your local store or online. The price of this type of furniture varies widely, but sheesham furniture is considered one of the most expensive. You’ll have to pay more for it than wrought iron, but the quality is worth the price.

If you’re looking for a unique piece of furniture, consider Sheesham wood. It’s one of the most unique types of wood, and is popular for its durability and lustrous color. Its distinctive color and smooth texture also make it a popular choice for kitchen cabinets and tabletops. Depending on the style of your home, Sheesham-wood is a great option for veneers and plywood.

Sheesham wood is the most durable of all wood types. 

Its high oil content and low shrinkage ratio make it a popular choice for furniture. Its high oil content makes it a preferred choice for kitchens and other areas with fluctuating humidity. Compared to wrought iron, Sheesham is also more resistant to rot and insects. Hence, sheesham wood is an excellent choice for interior design.

The name Sheesham is a synonym for oak. 

It is a kind of hardwood that originates from a dicot tree. It is generally larger than softwood and more durable than its counterparts. Furthermore, it is resistant to fire, which makes it a desirable choice for many homeowners. If you’re looking for furniture in this exotic wood, consider these qualities before buying.


Sheesham wood has a rich, chestnut color with dark streaks. The grain of the wood is straight and irregular, but the wood is tough and durable. It is resistant to dry-wood termites and is also resistant to natural decay. Despite its durability, sheesham can be used for furniture in both indoor and outdoor spaces. Its distinctive grain also makes it unique.

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